ニュース センター


Apr 07, 2023

1160 アクセス


Fluid mechanics plays an extremely important role in many areas of industry, life and science. A serious challenge that the current world is facing is improving the quality of fluids, resulting in creating nanofluids–fluids with suspended nanoparticles. Nanofluids, characterized by a significant increase in the properties of the fluid, including thermal conductivity, long-term stability, homogeneity, etc. compared to conventional engineered fluid1, are found to serve in a number of engineering applications, for example porous media2,3, etc. However, the preparation process of this type of fluid can be challenging (agglomeration is a major problem in nanofluid synthesis4) and even more so, the process allowing to verify the quality of the obtained nanofluid. ナノ流体を製造する主な方法は、2 段階法または 1 段階法です。 The one-step method is a process which combines the production of nanoparticles with the synthesis of nanofluids. The nanoparticles are produced by direct method by physical vapour deposition (PVD) technique or condensation nanoparticles from the vapour phase into a flowing low vapour pressure liquid (VEROS) see5. The work6 is devoted to the developed Direct Evaporation Condensation method that provides excellent control over the size of nanoparticles and produced a stable nanofluid without the use of any additives. The two-step method is the most widely used method for producing nanofluids. It consists in the earlier acquisition of nanoparticles by other methods, and in the second step, the nanopowder is distributed in the liquid using various methods, including magnetic force agitation7,8,9, ultrasonic agitation, high-shear mixing, homogenization10, and ball milling.

The stability of the nanofluids is very important for practical reasons. The potential economic and societal impact is related to the role of nanoparticles as special modifiers to fluids of potentially very wide range of applications (heat transfer: engine cooling/vehicle thermal management, boiler flues gas temperature reduction, heat exchanger, microelectronics etc.). 熱伝達用途では、粒子の拡散係数は流体の温度に正比例します。 拡散係数が高いということは、粒子の衝突が多くなり、粒子が凝集する可能性が高くなるということを意味します。 高温用途では、ナノ流体の不安定性を抑制するために追加の注意が必要です。 薬物送達システムでは、望ましくない粒子の沈降または凝集が、チャネルを通るナノ流体の流れに影響を与える可能性があります。 The stability of nanofluids is strongly dependent on the properties of the suspended particles and base fluid, such as particle morphology, the chemical structure of particles, and alkaline fluid11. Another key parameter in obtaining stable nonafluids is the pH control as was mentioned in12,13.

The visualization of the particles within a liquid may be difficult to implement from a technical point of view (scale, number of particles, liquid, 3D spaces). In the works14,15 several methods recommended for the analysis of nanoparticles can be found. Among them are: electron microscopy (EM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), centrifugal liquid sedimentations (CLS), field flow fractionation (FFF), inductively coupled plasma–mass spectroscopy system (ICP-MS) and many more. Nevertheless, the assessment of the quality of nanoparticles can be carried out considering separation of super-aggregates of nanostructured particles via sonication as well as evaporation process of a nanofluid droplet. 著者らは、界面活性剤の使用による懸濁液の pH 値の変化にも言及しています 16。

These and other treatments reflect the possible preparation procedures and enable the fabrication of a final product with a defined size range of particles uniformly suspended in the fluid. Whatmore, the analysis of images of samples that have undergone the evaporation process (analysis of the trace left by nanopowder) may also provide information about the fluid itself (the flow dynamics in a sessile droplet) as well as the properties of the powder (particle motion and different patterns formed). The aggregation process is different in solution/fluid after evaporation because of intricate re-assembling process between the nanoparticles nanoparticles (ie surface atomic defects of the NPs, electronegative interactions, environmental evaporation parameters, etc.). 等密度の水ベースのナノ流体滴のナノ粒子のパターンの形成は研究の対象となっている(17 を参照)。 Authors report two different patterns which depend on the evaporation: an o-ring and a continuous nanoparticle flower pattern. The attempt of understanding the effect of the dynamic of fluid and particle motion that allows obtaining various patterns of nanoparticle sessile after evaporation of fluid has been presented in18. The three competitive, convective mechanisms have been considered. Based on obtained results, two major patterns have been identified: the o-ring and the petal-like pattern.

Another type of research that is gaining importance in the field of research is devoted to the nonlinear analysis of nanofluids or their properties, such as: formulating of aggregates, convective heat transfer, critical heat flux, and subcooled pool boiling heat transfer—this research is based on fractal analysis. この研究では、20 人の著者が、フラクタル モデルの予測と実験データがよく一致する 3 つの新しいフラクタル モデルを紹介しています。 の著者ら 21 は、ナノ流体における集合フラクタル次元と熱伝導に関する実験を実施しました。 The usage of fractals gave them information that as aggregates grow the viscosity increases at a faster rate than thermal conductivity making highly aggregated nanofluids unfavorable. 一方、論文 22 では、著者らはフラクタル次元を考慮して複雑な流れのパターンを分類しました。

この出版物では、乾燥したナノ流体液滴の特性評価結果が示されています。 SiO2 nanoparticles were dispersed in water and isopropanol using sonication. The nanofluids were subjected to conventional characterization methods such as: determination of the contact angle, determination of zeta potential, pH, and particle size analysis. Afterwards, single drops were left to evaporate on stubs to conduct microscope observations. The obtained scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were subjected to nonlinear multifractal analysis which allowed validation of the quality of the prepared nanofluid considering the size and distribution of the nanoparticles. An additional advantage of the work is an attempt to demonstrate the versatility of using nonlinear multifractal analysis to characterize the quality of prepared nanofluids on the basis of their evaporated droplet samples.

サンプル A の写真: (a) 光学顕微鏡による画像。 (b) macro image of the pin; (c) マークされた領域の光学顕微鏡による画像。 (d) サンプルの端の SEM 画像 - 端と内側の両方に粉末粒子が見つかりました。

Photos of sample B: (a) image from optical microscopy; (b) macro image of the pin; (c) image from optical microscopy of the marked area; (d) サンプルの端の SEM 画像 - 端と内側の両方に粉末粒子が見つかりました。

液体の調製から 24 時間後のサンプル水 + SiO2 のシリカ粒度分布。

The research carried out on the obtained nanofluid shows that the applied approach to the SiO2 powder allows to obtain a stable (in terms of the powder particle size at different time intervals from the moment of obtaining the nanofluid—Zeta potential, particle analyzer, MADLS)流体。 Further research will concern other fluid and nanoparticle compositions that allow to obtain different fluid properties (density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, etc.) and the use of multifractal analysis for both photos of traces left by a dried drop of nanofluid and macro/microscopic photos of the prepared nanofluid in a liquid form.


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J. Augustyniak、I。Zglobicka、K。Kurzydłowski&DM Perkowski


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受信日: 2021 年 11 月 29 日

受理日: 2022 年 6 月 23 日

発行日: 2022 年 6 月 30 日



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